- 01:00 h
- 1 m
- 338 m
- 1,559 m
- 1,897 m
- 338 m
- 3.36 km
- Start: Waldspitz, bus line Grindelwald-Waldspitz end station
- Destination: Firstbahn, Mittelstation Bort
The easy hike leads mostly downhill through the picturesque mountains of the Bernese Oberland. A moderately steep ascent leads you through lush mountain meadows - the red carpet of blossoming Alpine roses stands in stark contrast to the green meadows of the valley and the glistening ice of the glaciers behind. The trail finally continues further through the shaded woods and across vividly blossoming flower meadows to the Mühlebach waterfalls and in the direction of Nodhalten to Bort.
Good to know
Best to visit
Waldspitz - Bort
Normal hiking gear, hiking boots with good soles.
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Hike 19
(in the printed summer panoramic map of the Jungfrau Railways)
Safety guidelines
Good hiking trail with a slight ascent.