- 02:00 h
- 240 m
- 240 m
- 850 m
- 1,016 m
- 166 m
- 7.79 km
- Start: Aeschi, Haltestelle Post
- Destination: Aeschi, Haltestelle Post
The starting point for this two-hour winter circular hike is the village square (car park) or the Aeschi Post bus stop. For the first 250 metres, the route follows Mülenenstrasse, past the swimming pool, down a gentle gradient before branching left into Suldhaltenstrasse. Following the narrow road, with its unimpeded view of the imposing Niesen pyramid, the winter path branches off to the left at an incline after a few kilometres. After Sandgruben, you come to a short steep section (the only one in the hike), which continues up to the picturesque Sewenegg. The view extends far into the Kandertal and Engstligental. Between the cross-country track (please do not walk on it) and the edge of the woodland, the trail leads to Aeschiried, where you have the option of walking another loop into Schitmatti. Taking a right past Aeschiried school house, the trail descends in a north-westerly direction, opening up a view over Lake Thun and far into the Central Plateau. Continue over open fields until you reach the houses in Tannenmattli; then follow Zwygartenstrasse through Spittel and down towards the village of Aeschi. The last 400 metres of this two-hour walk follow Alleestrasse back to the original starting point.
Good to know
Best to visit
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Infoflyer erhältlich im Tourismusbüro, Dorfstrasse 9, 3703 Aeschi, 033 654 14 24, info@aeschi-tourismus.ch oder unter www.aeschi-tourismus.ch
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines